Call for papers

Conference 2015
Fashion Through History
Costumes, Symbols, Communication
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, May 20-21, 2015

The Initiative: Following the tradition of previous conferences (2013-2014), Sapienza University of Rome launches the call for papers for the international conference Fashion Through History, with an broad subtitle that aims to confront the complex reality of fashion.

When and Where: The conference will be held on May 20 and 21, 2015 at Sapienza University of Rome (P.le Aldo Moro 5).

Aims: The conference intends to open a debate on the relation between fashion and society through history, analyzed in the context of an intensely interdisciplinary research. In every epoch, fashion is the product of society, but at the same time it contributes to define that society representing it through symbols and agents of change. As it is shown today, the relation between creativity and the market, the interaction between brands and new dynamics of production and distribution are essential also for the re-elaboration of the concept Made in Italy.

Modality: The program will include both plenary sessions and thematic ones divided into panels, with a chair, a discussant and at least three speakers. Within each panel, participants will present and discuss their researches of high scientific level able to communicate with each other and enrich the knowledge on the topics of the conference.

Methods: The scientific approach of the conference is aimed at a broader interdisciplinarity and internationality, in the belief that only by combining diverse knowledge, which use various and effective methods of research, we can deepen the understanding of social history and that of costumes. In this perspective, of great importance are contributions of professors and researchers of history, sociology, philosophy, economics, communication, psychology, art and literature, of various countries between the past and the present.

Participants: The conference wants to provide an opportunity for debate between the academic setting, large Maisons and many different companies engaged in the sector. Particular attention is given to junior researchers (PhD students, post doctorates, research fellows) for whom a reduced participation fee of 60 euro is reserved, compared to the fee of 120 euro for senior researches.

Sessions: The Organizing Committee encourages the submission of paper proposals – which will then be analyzed for approval – that could be framed within the following key words:

History of fashion;
Economy and marketing;
Esthetics and communication;
Textiles and fashion techniques;
Uniforms and theater costumes.

Language: The language of the conference is English, with the possibility to hold some sessions in Italian and French upon the request of the speakers.

Proposals: Applications should be sent in one mail no later than February 2, 2015 to the following e-mail address and should include:

1.      A short curriculum vitae of the speaker;
2.     An abstract of the paper (max 300 words);
3.     Contact details.

Participation will be confirmed by March 2, 2015. The Organizing Committee will publish the program, as soon as it is ready, on the website of the conference. For any other information, write to the following e-mail address or visit our website.
